RetroPie Shopping List

Here is my RetroPie shopping list:

1. Raspberry Pi Kit
– I bought all these parts separately, but they’re way cheaper here. Different case, but you really don’t even need a case. This also has heat sinks, which I don’t have.

2. Memory Card
– You need at least an 8GB, but I put a 32 on ther so you can store more games on there. In retrospect, I think I should havre got myself a bigger one, but they’re cheap if I ever want to upgrade.

3. Card Reader
– If you don’t have a slot on your computer to read SD or MiniSD cards, you’ll need this. I did.

The system supports wireless controllers from XBox or Playstation, but I wanted the original controllers. Here are the ones I got.

4. NES controllers
– I’ve only used these. The other ones below I ordered because there were sone games I want to play on other systems.

5. SNES controllers
– Bought this, but haven’t got it yet.

6. N64 controllers
– Bought two of these for Mario Kart and Goldeneye

Note: If you want to set up WiFi, you’ll need a wired, USB keyboard. I have mine plugged directly into the router, because I don’t have a keyboard. You need the internet to transfer ROMs, however you can transfer them with a USB thumb drive.


SSH via Mac Terminal – SSH Settings

I’ve been using my Mac for work lately, using the to SSH to the servers I need to. What’s been driving me nuts is that I keep getting kicked off of the server every time I’m away from my computer for more than two minutes. Finally, I did some googling. It turns out that the OSX uses OpenSSH, which epically awesome– especially since I already know how to configure OpenSSH. Since I’ve already had to explain this a handful of times, I figured that I should write a post that I can reference.

First, you need to create an SSH config file. When you open the terminal, you should start off in your Home directory. To verify this, check out what directory you’re in:

$ pwd

You should get something like /Users/, where is your username on your computer. Since this is my work profile, mine is /Users/work (I use fast profile switching to keep my work and play profiles separate).

[edit for pro tip]: On your home directory, create a file named .bash_profile and add this line:

complete -W “$(echo `cat ~/.ssh/known_hosts | cut -f 1 -d ‘ ‘ | sed -e s/,.*//g | uniq | grep -v “\[“`;)” ssh

This will allow you to tab complete your known hosts!! (Thanks xPaul)

If you’ve used SSH on your mac before, there is already a directory for your settings. Let’s look for it.

$ ls -la

You need the -a so that you can see all the files in the directory because we’re looking for a hidden folder called .ssh. If it’s there, change to it:

$ cd .ssh

If it’s not there, you need to create it:

$ mkdir .ssh

After you’re in the .ssh directory, there may or may not be a file in there named config (with no extension). Either way, we’re going to edit it with vim. If the file exists, vim will edit it. If it doesn’t exist, then vim will create it, so our command is:

$ vim config

Now, I don’t have the time or the energy to explain how to use vim. There is a great tutorial on that here: vim basics

As I said before, my profile name on my Mac for work is called ‘work’, so every time I try to ssh to a server, it tries to connect as work@server, which irritates the hell out of me. To fix this, the first thing I have in my config file is:

User boogers

This makes it so that when I ssh to a server, it defaults to the user boogers (my username on most of my work servers). The next two lines I have are for getting logged out every time I have to take a leak:

ServerAliveInterval 60
ServerAliveCountMax 3

This makes it so that every 60 seconds, ssh will send a message to the connected server so I don’t get kicked off. WIN.

For a full list of settings, check out the man page for SSH:

$ man ssh_config

I hope someone out there finds this helpful.

Fighting Hunger in Sierra Leone

I decide to post this because I’m a terribly nice guy. Actually, I’m really not, but every time I see a starving kid I can’t help but imagine one of my sons being that hungry and it kills me. So, help end Hunger in Sierra Leone and meet the life you change.

Not to be a shill or anything, but anyone who wants to re-publish this link somewhere, should.

Less Than Lazy Sunday!

I actually did something tonight. I built a new website, to document the quotes of Kenny Powers (of Eastbound and Down, for those who live under a rock).

Dates on Content and how to keep things evergreen

Sometimes, I don’t spend enough time explaining things to people. Most times, I spend too much time explaining things. This is usually because when I don’t properly explain, people fail to understand what I’m trying to say, and then I end up writing huge overly detailed emails. Today, I got yelled at by someone for wasting time by writing the story below.

Backstory: Our content manager decided that she wanted to add the post dates to articles on a site. I told her that it wasn’t a good idea, because we we want our content to appear evergreen. Apparently, she didn’t understand that, because her reply was “It’s ok, we’re publishing more content now than we were before; lets add the dates.”

So, I wrote this:

The year is 1998, and Billy Bob posts a great article on salt licks. It’s a great article on salt licks, and receives many in links from hunters and bloggers everywhere who find Billy Bob’s casual writing style comforting and his 5th grade vocabulary creditable. The page does very well in the search engines and earns quite a chunk of cash for the site’s owner, who decides to sell the website to an evil corporate empire.

Time passes, and the salt lick article ends up in the hands of the benevolent and witty Josefin. Caring as much as she does, she decides to spruce up the articles by adding things to them, like the date that they were written. She is warned by the evil, crotchety project manager from the 11th floor, with a penchant for saying ‘no’ to tasks that he doesn’t want to do. Josefin believes that he’s just being lazy, and disregards his fear mongering and has the dates added anyway.

As hunting season begins, Johnny Ray does a Google search for “huntin’ wit salt licks” and Billy Ray’s article, as usual, pops up as the #1 result! Johnny Ray clicks on through.

When Johnny Ray looks at the date at the top of the article, he sees that it’s over 10 years old! Now, since Johnny ain’t no dummy, he realizes that in the past decade there have been significant changes in the laws concerning baiting animals, as well as improvements in the mineral composition of salt blocks. Johnny Ray decides that he should probably look for content that is more recent, to be sure that he’s getting the most up to date information. Johnny Ray clicks the back button.

Google is very happy to see Johnny Ray back so soon, and makes note of it in it’s logs. Google then watches Johnny Ray click in the second link on the page. “Gosh,” Google thinks, “I guess Billy Bob’s article on salt licks isn’t as good as I thought it was. Maybe I’ll lower it further down the search pages”.

“But wait!” Shouts Josefin from behind her cube. “We’re updating the site with more and more content every day!”

Google glances at Josefin with a slight smile. “Oh, and we’ll eventually get around to ranking those articles for their merit and appropriately listing them in position we think they belong. But, according to Johnny Ray, this article is no longer the most creditably article on the topic of salt licks. Sorry.”

Somewhere on the 11th floor, the evil project manager dies a little inside.

Her next message was “Fine, leave the dates off.”

On Tags and Google

I wrote this absurdly long email the other day about the proper use of tags. Specifically, it discussed tags being indexed by the site’s search engine and Google. I realized that for the most part, none of the recipients would fully read it, so I decided to strip out the site-specific and share it with the rest of the world. It was initially about twice this long. At least now I don’t feel like I wasted my time.

Searching tags on the site

Tags are a filter mechanism. They provide an easy way to list all articles that are tagged with the same word. In this way, they serve as an ad-hoc extension to categories that allow websites to add additional category-level organization without altering the existing architecture. This is handy because sites generally do better with a condensed taxonomy. You don

Check out this cool infographic: Take Two

Check out this really cool infographic that I found over at this British Coupon Website. It’s so super cool and informative that it inspired me to share it and write some useful commentary about it.
The Real Cost of Sony’s Network Outage

Check out this cool infographic

The Real Cost of Sony’s Network Outage
The Real Cost of Sony’s Network Outage By Promotional Codes

I want this shirt so bad

If anyone is looking for something to buy me for Christmas, I really really really want this shirt.
It’s supposed to be available at this site, but they appear to be closed. 🙁

Johnny Utah

note: I posted this from my iPhone while having a conversation with Amanda on speakerphone. I totally wasn’t paying attention.

From my phone, for no good reason

I’m posting this from my phone for no good reason other than simply because I can. I realize that it’s retarded, but I upgraded WordPress just so I could, and I feel obligated to do so.
Here’s what I’m looking at right now: